May as well get on with it..
There’s something that I haven’t heard many artist’s talk about and that’s about accepting that you have a way that you create that is as unique as your DNA…
For years I thought it was about arriving at a place that I had crafted ‘my style’ long enough, when, like tone of voice or eye colour; there is a huge element of accepting the way I love to paint, the way I naturally draw, the way I use colour, use media together.. (you fill in your favourite medium)
So much of artistic culture seems to me to be about self-rejection - praise everyone else but put your own work down, be hyper critical of your own work, reject the way you create until maybe, just maybe, enough people tell you you’re work is great, you’ve exhibited enough, sold enough or gained enough accolades that communicate you’ve pummelled ‘your style’ into shape and at that point it’s okay to just be you.
I want to suggest that we can circumvent this whole exhausting dance by simply accepting how we create.
What if our best work won’t flow from rejecting what we have been given but by accepting it?
What if creativity flows in an environment that isn’t policed by punishment but nurtured by encouragement?
What if that encouragement needs to take up residence within rather than waiting for the voices without, what if excellence is birthed from love rather than fear?
You have been appointed to your life, you are uniquely you (without even trying)
May as well just get on with it…