A New way
I was browsing through Instagram when the artist Joanna Gray’s work caught my eye; not just the final result but the process she so clearly demonstrated in a reel. I took my time to really study what she was doing to understand how she was achieving the results she gets.
I was quite taken aback by how beautiful and free the result was, so I reached out to her and asked a few questions which she so quickly and generously answered.
So I decided to try her technique and was completely bowled over by how much I enjoyed the process and the final result.
I have no interest in copying someone else to produce what they produce, I am however focused on taking on influence and new techniques that I can make my own and I have never used watercolour like this before.
This is a joy and it’s exciting. I’ve been coming home at lunch to try it out again and again and again.
Does this mean that I abandon how my style? No, I embrace a new way of doing things so that I can integrate it into my practice.
So, here’s the first…
(Please check out the Joanna Gray’s work -
Instagram - joannagray75
YouTube - @JoannaGrayArt
Makes everything beautiful
I have the privilege of working part time as a technician in a school, it’s a wonderful culture with an old building, walls of obvious brick, painted over so many times to mask the functionality of the material. Sometimes, particularly in winter when the golden sun slowly falls, the light paints itself across the drab places like an artist on a canvas and I am arrested.
Light is of particular interest to me, I spent my fine art degree capturing it to communicate what so often goes unseen, how the mundane moments of our lives are, more often than we realise, transfigured by a Light that is foreign and familiar all at once, revealing the true nature of things.
Sometimes I think that being an artist is more about being a signpost to notice or a megaphone to call the passerby to attention that life can be awful but it also has moments full of awe..
So, wherever you are, in whatever mundane moments you live through, expect the Light, because whenever and wherever it falls, beauty will be revealed!
(he closes the laptop, folds the tumble drying and remembers it’s bin day tomorrow so I better go put them out..)
A little ink & Acrylic wash anyone?
I recently completed a series on Youtube on using Acrylic to paint a landscape. It’s been such an enlightening process talking through what you are doing while you are doing it - you begin to see your process, to understand it more BECAUSE of the need to communicate it well.
Here’s what I learnt - I use acrylic paint like I use watercolour - in washes…. which got me thinking - would it be effective to use an acrylic wash with ink and what would be the difference?
So, I drew the above seen from the Quoile Basin, Downpatrick in Northern Ireland using an acrylic marker and then the next day set up the camera and filmed myself adding an acrylic wash - I was so pleased - the above is a photo of it is just after I was finished and before it dried and you can see what the difference is - the opacity - there is a slightly opaque quality to the paint..
Why (you may ask) would you film yourself experimenting with something for the first time? Well, because the response will be authentic, the discoveries will be fresh and the assessment will be honest and if you’re like me then that’s what you’re crying out for - AUTHENTICITY!!
Learning to play, embracing experimentation in the absence of the fear of failure is way more fun and maybe, just maybe it might work!!!
When Light Falls…
I was standing in the kitchen looking out at the studio (it’s a thing of beauty) when I noticed the light had fallen precisely on the place where I keep my watercolour paintings.
It took me by surprise.
Totally by surprise.
The sun was illuminating the exact place where I keep my finished watercolours.
Mum has this photo of me around 7 years old sitting in the kitchen in my superman outfit painting in watercolours.
I loved them throughout school until my a-level watercolour art piece was assessed as a ‘c’ and I was devastated because clearly it wasn’t good enough.
I didn’t realise then, but in that moment I closed the door on my watercolour paints and open up other doors of artistic expression.
Can you connect? Moments when what seemed so promising and possible are bruised and crushed?
But I always remembered the words of my art teacher - Mr Bogle ‘Colin, you are really good, but the examiners won’t see it’
So yesterday as I stood captivated as the light fell, not only did it illuminate the work in the studio but it threw light on what I’d forgotten; resurrecting old dreams and chivvying me on to whatever may come…
Lessons in lower slaughter
I know, Lower Slaughter is a terrible name (it comes from the old English word ‘slothre’ meaning ‘muddy’) and yet it’s one of the most idyllic places I’ve ever visited, a bit like calling a Bentley a runaround, the setting, especially for artists could not be more picture perfect.
This was Toby and my second weekend leading a group of painters as a duo. We have different styles in watercolour and ink but the same philosophy; that we can all learn to paint in a gentle, forgiving, encouraging atmosphere (whilst having a good laugh - especially at each other)
I so enjoy the travelling, I’ve always been a sucker for an airport and have adored flying as long as i’ve had the opportunity to do it - the longer the flight the better, and then there’s the buses and trains - I’m in my element!
It is always amazing to watch the development that occurs during the weekend for each artist, from the discipline of simply intentionally painting, listening to encouraging feedback and applying it.
There is a synergy that happens in the group dynamic that becomes a slipstream for growth; common-unity is an amazing thing.
The journey of providing these weekends is building and though I really am not a massive fan of ‘sales’ but it would be remiss of me not to mention that next year we doing this 4 more times, 4 more weekends in 2025:
Bath in January (sold out)
Mevagissey, Cornwall in April (2 left at time of writing)
Lower Slaughter in June (opens soon)
Belfast in October (opens soonish)
So, if this is something that might interest you can head to Toby’s website - www.sketchloose.co.uk for more info and there you can pour over the details of the weekends and what the different locations offer.
I’m marked by the privilege of this journey; what an honour it is to teach something I enjoy so very much in some of the most beautiful parts of of the UK, who could write it!
As always, thanks for your interest and support.
On we go!
Episodic (my new favourite word)
Making Youtube videos is an odd thing; you start with a vague notion that someone, somewhere might benefit and appreciate what you do and then when it seems they do you begin to go deeper and deeper into the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of your practice.
Artists are aware of process, how you go from inspiration to artwork and realising that there is never a final piece until you’ve breathed your last.
As a pastor with a high value for teaching in a way that makes what is being communicated, accessible, I can’t help myself but to find a way to teach effectively the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of my painting process.
And so we arrive at the reason for my current appreciation for the word ‘Episodic’ which describes something that consists of a series of separate parts or events.
In creating videos that are episodic I’ve discovered this slow and easy way that is both patient and considered, hopefully making my process more accessible to the viewer.
I never know how each episode is going to turn out, Its fluid and demonstrates how loosely I’ve learnt to hold expectation of the outcome.
Your feedback has been so helpful, it seems you like this episodic approach as much as I do, little artistic, instructional snacks to munch on as you go about your daily life.
I’m so very grateful that you choose to watch them, that you choose to comment, that you are reading this, it’s a privilege (and a lot of fun)
So ‘Episodic’ is my new favourite word; for all that it means and for all the possibilities it’s producing!!
If you have any suggestions of anything you’d like to see on my channel please send your suggestions to - woodwardswatercolours@gmail.com
Pioneering Partnership
It was 2021 and I had been working away at posting everyday on Instagram. I noticed the name ‘TobyUrbanSketcher’ pop up as he liked some of my work. He was doing a live on instagram, I said hello and his response was so very kind and encouraging.
Kind and encouraging.
Toby began to build his YouTube channel and kindly featured me in a video about artists to follow; my insta following grew quite dramatically in response.
(Kind and encouraging)
We began to do YouTube lives on his channel and both enjoyed the banter, the contrast of our styles and our shared passion that art could be an enjoyable experience for all where the inner critic is muted and the painter (or sketcher as Toby calls them) can mature in a forgiving and encouraging environment.
When He suggested the idea of leading a painting/sketching weekend together it was a very easy yes, so we got to planning, Toby exercising his admin skills in a way that I could only watch in wonder and gratitude.
So, at the beginning of June 2024 we met in Bath, England to spend the weekend leading 21 painters/sketchers around a beautiful city to create and connect, there was an ease and flow to the weekend and in response we decided to plan to do more.
You never know which branch on the tree of your life will bear fruit, and, from experience it’s often the most unexpected, but when it happens, it is the most wonderful and surprising thing which is, more often than not, marked by kindness and encouragement..
May as well get on with it..
There’s something that I haven’t heard many artist’s talk about and that’s about accepting that you have a way that you create that is as unique as your DNA…
For years I thought it was about arriving at a place that I had crafted ‘my style’ long enough, when, like tone of voice or eye colour; there is a huge element of accepting the way I love to paint, the way I naturally draw, the way I use colour, use media together.. (you fill in your favourite medium)
So much of artistic culture seems to me to be about self-rejection - praise everyone else but put your own work down, be hyper critical of your own work, reject the way you create until maybe, just maybe, enough people tell you you’re work is great, you’ve exhibited enough, sold enough or gained enough accolades that communicate you’ve pummelled ‘your style’ into shape and at that point it’s okay to just be you.
I want to suggest that we can circumvent this whole exhausting dance by simply accepting how we create.
What if our best work won’t flow from rejecting what we have been given but by accepting it?
What if creativity flows in an environment that isn’t policed by punishment but nurtured by encouragement?
What if that encouragement needs to take up residence within rather than waiting for the voices without, what if excellence is birthed from love rather than fear?
You have been appointed to your life, you are uniquely you (without even trying)
May as well just get on with it…
you tube (not the insult)
I remember getting a message several years ago from a friend who is a successful, gardening YouTuber suggesting that I start a channel. I considered it for a few days, but when I looked at the sheer quality of the content I saw, I just thought It was beyond me.. But over the years it’s something that I haven’t been able to shake.
Do you wait until you’re able to play at a certain level? Or do you just play?
There are probably a million other YouTube channels that give tutorials on how to use watercolour, why is another one needed?
Who on earth would want to watch me paint and waffle while I do it?
I have NO answers to those questions, but what I do have is the conviction to start where I’m at and just jump in even with my very, very basic editing skills, I decided to just jump in.
So I’m delighted that in a few weeks with some lovely comments from subscribers - I’m encouraged and I’m hooked.
Who knows where it goes and I don’t think that matters, I’m just happy that I decided to jump in.
YouTube Channel? Why the heck not!
Now, what about you? What are YOU waiting for?
C’mon in, the water’s lovely…
Fa Fa Fa friday
Fa Fa Fa Friday
Last year I stood in the kitchen and asked myself the question - If I wasn’t afraid; what would I choose to do?
The answer was pretty clear - I wanted to consider the possibility of studying an MFA - Masters in Fine Art. I knew that I needed to have a conversation with two people and after that I’d know the next steps to take. It turned out that I wasn’t in need of studying for a masters, I was in need of time to be able to paint. Clare agreed (Lovely Wife that she is).
So we took the decision that I would move to a four day week as a school technician and on a Friday I would focus on painting.
It became clear to me that I really needed a studio - it was time for that distinction and the investment of money into a space.
I contacted 12 studios in Belfast (repeatedly) and to no avail. Then a wise friend from church suggested that God maybe had something even better.
So in October 2023 I took delivery of my wondrous little 12 x 8ft studio in our back garden. A little space that has made a massive difference.
I type all of this in my little blog to communicate to you that I am so very grateful that I stepped out of a 5 day week into having each Friday ‘off’. ‘Off’ meaning enthralled passionately in the pursuit of painting, working hard (doesn’t feel like work’ doing something that is pretty darn indescribable.
I have to go, I have a big day tomorrow, you see it’s Fa Fa Fa Friday, the very best day of the week!
Under the mistletoe
Under the Mistletoe
We always have mistletoe in our house, it’s one of the bonuses of the Christmas season, if Clare is under it and I realise, I’m there for a wee kiss. Our children hate it and I think secretly love it!
Mistletoe has become a symbol that invites us to embrace and kiss those we love because it is known for blossoming and bearing fruit in the harshest of circumstances…
I don’t often speak of my christian faith as an artist, I’ve always taken the stance that i’m to let my light shine and not force it AND then there are also moments like this one where it seems appropriate to speak openly.
As a father, when it came time for our children to be born I wouldn’t have chosen anywhere apart from the clinical environment of a hospital under expert care and yet God let it be a manger after a rough journey in a nowhere town, giving an angelic concert for shepherds and sharing with them what was going on for them to go and see.
Blossoming and bearing fruit in the harshest circumstances, as a follower of Jesus who is an artist (and a pastor) that’s what I’m learning.. Love blossoms and bears fruit in the harshest of circumstances.
I hope that this Christmas is really lovely for you, but if it’s not maybe it’s about bearing fruit in the harshest of circumstances and under the boughs of your branches maybe you’ll invite others to love.
Happy Christmas,
It’s about time
It’s about time
After several years and lots of thought and consideration, I decided that it was finally time to take the plunge to design and populate my own website.
Seems like the next natural step; get a studio, get an accountant and have a website.
From the moment I realised that being a surgeon was not a real option for me, I have always wanted to be an artist, studying Art - GCSE, A-Level, Foundation Certificate and Degree, I have always wanted to be an artist.
Lockdown came and brought my second experience of redundancy and coupled with that seeming full stop and my daughter’s invitation to paint a self-portrait with her and her brother (which is ironic because I don’t do people) an old passion was rekindled.
It was my first sale that wedged the door open on the invitation to become and embrace being an artist, and I have painted most days since then..
There is NOTHING like being able to generate income from something that doesn’t seem like work.
So here I am blogging on my shiny new website, 4 years into an old adventure
And you, no doubt there’s a journey that’s brought you here too, I’m so very glad you came.