A little ink & Acrylic wash anyone?
I recently completed a series on Youtube on using Acrylic to paint a landscape. It’s been such an enlightening process talking through what you are doing while you are doing it - you begin to see your process, to understand it more BECAUSE of the need to communicate it well.
Here’s what I learnt - I use acrylic paint like I use watercolour - in washes…. which got me thinking - would it be effective to use an acrylic wash with ink and what would be the difference?
So, I drew the above seen from the Quoile Basin, Downpatrick in Northern Ireland using an acrylic marker and then the next day set up the camera and filmed myself adding an acrylic wash - I was so pleased - the above is a photo of it is just after I was finished and before it dried and you can see what the difference is - the opacity - there is a slightly opaque quality to the paint..
Why (you may ask) would you film yourself experimenting with something for the first time? Well, because the response will be authentic, the discoveries will be fresh and the assessment will be honest and if you’re like me then that’s what you’re crying out for - AUTHENTICITY!!
Learning to play, embracing experimentation in the absence of the fear of failure is way more fun and maybe, just maybe it might work!!!