When Light Falls…

I was standing in the kitchen looking out at the studio (it’s a thing of beauty) when I noticed the light had fallen precisely on the place where I keep my watercolour paintings.

It took me by surprise.

Totally by surprise.

The sun was illuminating the exact place where I keep my finished watercolours.

Mum has this photo of me around 7 years old sitting in the kitchen in my superman outfit painting in watercolours.

I loved them throughout school until my a-level watercolour art piece was assessed as a ‘c’ and I was devastated because clearly it wasn’t good enough.

I didn’t realise then, but in that moment I closed the door on my watercolour paints and open up other doors of artistic expression.

Can you connect? Moments when what seemed so promising and possible are bruised and crushed?

But I always remembered the words of my art teacher - Mr Bogle ‘Colin, you are really good, but the examiners won’t see it’

So yesterday as I stood captivated as the light fell, not only did it illuminate the work in the studio but it threw light on what I’d forgotten; resurrecting old dreams and chivvying me on to whatever may come…


A little ink & Acrylic wash anyone?


Lessons in lower slaughter